3 Tips For Creating Thumb-Stopping Social Content

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Growthlabs Team
3 Tips For Creating Thumb-Stopping Social Content

Capturing Eyes on Social Media

Looking to engage your target audience and drive more sales?

Well, if that’s so, social is one of the ways to go. However, it is a competitive landscape out there, and with that in mind, you’ll need to stand out amongst the crowd – this is where your thumb-stopping social content steps in.

If your brand’s social activity isn’t stopping those thumbs from scrolling past your posts, it might be time to rethink your strategy. With an understanding of each platform and by following a few simple tips, you can create posts that grab your audience’s attention as they scroll through their news feeds. So, how do you create thumb-stopping social content that compels your audience to read your post? These 3 tips will make a big difference!

Growthlabs have a nourished history of working with clients to enhance their social content – for more on how we can help your brand, visit here!

  1. Utilise Rich Media

One of the most effective ways to make somebody stop scrolling through their news feed is to create an eye-catching visual that’s completely unique to your brand. Visual content is highly effective across social platforms because our brains process images 60,000 times faster than text. This is particularly important for social media, as you only have a matter of seconds to stop someone scrolling past your post – Facebook reports that you only have 1.7 seconds to grab someone’s attention on social media.

According to Cisco’s Annual Internet Report, video consumption has increased a mind-boggling 17,000% since 2012 and online videos will account for 82% of all internet traffic by 2022. Videos are extremely successful on social platforms because they capture people’s attention and hold it for longer, and are more likely to be interacted with and shared – and with over half of consumers agreeing that they’d like to see more video content from their favourite brands, businesses are waking up to the potential that video has to create more sales. In fact,  74% of marketers say that videos have a higher return on investment than strategic imagery.

The advent of TikTok and Instagram reels has pivoted rich media to a content that is more ‘portrait’ focused. Users that can scroll through video feeds without having to adjust their phone position are much more likely to engage with your content as it seeps into the casual, laidback means in which online video content is most commonly consumed.

  1. Use Killer Copy

Standing out in news feeds that are heavily saturated with updates from friends, family, influencers, groups and businesses can be difficult. Your brand needs to produce mesmerising copy that stops your followers in their tracks. To maximise your success, you need to make sure that your tone of voice (TOV) is optimised for every social platform you use.

Here are a few tips for writing snappy social copy that is more likely to draw your audience in:

  • Try to elevate your imagery with copy that’s more likely to emotionally resonate with your audience. Nobody wants to read uninspired, robotic content on social media, so put some life into your words and speak directly to your audience.
  • Writing copy that leverages the fear of missing out (FOMO) is an excellent way to appeal to your audience. FOMO drives a lot of social media behaviours and is often used by brands to generate results. This is achieved by writing copy that dictates a sense of exclusivity, urgency or limited availability, such as “this offer ends in 10 hours”, or “the first 100 orders get a free gift” – using this form of copy is best in small doses to really hone in on the sense of urgency and is, therefore, best for conversion campaigns.
  • You can also leverage a user’s desire to learn on social media. This is particularly successful on LinkedIn where members actively engage with industry trends, business updates and new statistics. Consider the interests of your audience and use compelling facts and insights in your copy to get their attention and drive the results you’re after.
  1. Work With Your Audience

Growing your brand’s presence on social media and getting the results you crave won’t happen overnight, instead aim for incremental improvements. Track your results and use data and insights from your audience to help you improve your upcoming social activity. You should also engage in social listening to analyse the conversations and trends in your industry and adapt your social plan as you go.

To succeed on social media, you have to work with your target audience and encourage them to engage with your posts. This can be in the form of asking your audience questions, gamifying content, or setting a challenge for them to engage with.

B2C CRM Host Shopify know their target audience of small business online retailers inside and out, so they prompted engagement by creating a fun bingo sheet of things their audience was sure to relate to, driving engagement on their post, building affinity with their audience – and even getting praised in the comments, giving them some free social proof to leverage.

Ready To Transform Your Social Activity?

If you want to give your brand a competitive edge on social media, we can help. We create thumb-stopping social content powered by eye-catching visuals and compelling copy that grab the attention of your audience and prompt them to engage with your brand. So, if you’d like to grow your presence on social and get the results you need, please get in touch.