The Role LinkedIn Plays In B2B Marketing

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The Role LinkedIn Plays In B2B Marketing

The Role Linkedin Plays in B2B Marketing

Focused on professional networking, LinkedIn currently hosts over 675 million users each month; as this figure continues to rise, it’s understandable that 92% of B2B marketers prefer this social media platform over contemporaries, such as Facebook and Twitter. If you’re not currently using LinkedIn in your marketing strategy, you’re missing a golden opportunity to connect with your target audience and future customers.

Linkedin’s Key B2B Marketing Features

Generating Leads through Linkedin

Social media marketing is a cost-effective way to engage with your target audience, drive brand awareness, increase traffic to your website, and generate leads for your business. LinkedIn is better suited for B2B conversations than other social media platforms, with members being more open to discussions about business.

Your LinkedIn page is a pipeline for leads to visit your company’s website. It is estimated that 46% of all social media traffic coming to your website is generated by LinkedIn. Once people engage with your page and content, you can guide them to your website where you can capture them as a lead.

Connect with Your Target Audience

According to LinkedIn, four out of five of its members drive business decisions, making it the most effective platform to connect with your target audience, build up a network of prospects, and improve your B2B lead generation.

Building your network is vital to ensure the content you share is seen by as many relevant people as possible. You should encourage as much engagement with your content as possible because LinkedIn’s algorithms will display your post more widely if lots of people have interacted with it.

Building a large network using your LinkedIn page makes your business appear more reputable, and ensures your posts are seen by your target audience. Sharing relevant content that your audience values also helps develop your company’s authority in the field.

Hone your Audience with Marketing Automation

LinkedIn’s Marketing Automation feature capitalises on the public forum aspect of the site. Using specific, narrow search features, you’re able to search for LinkedIn users that match a wide array of distinct characteristics. Available globally, this provides the opportunity to reach hundreds of thousands of existing users – all of which are suited to your brand’s demographic. Growth labs has a deep experience of running campaigns through Marketing Automation and are well versed in the field, leading to enhanced lead generation and efficient communication with potential customers.

It is becoming increasingly vital to make use of LinkedIn’s Marketing Automation. Whereas it was once a handy tool to grow a business’s existing leads base, the software has now warped into an essential part of the online marketing fabric – an astonishing 80% of Social Media marketing leads are produced through Linkedin, and with public conversations on the platform rising 25% year-on-year, it shows now signs of slowing down!

Run LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads not only enable companies to generate more B2B leads than Facebook Ads, but they are also more likely to convert. LinkedIn creates better leads that are easier to convert because the platform is business-focused, whereas Facebook is mainly a consumer audience. Therefore, it’s unsurprising that the majority of B2B leads generated on social media come from LinkedIn. LinkedIn believe that their advertising platform successfully promotes adverts to ‘75% of the US population’ – an estimate largely translated to UK markets too, with over 39 million British users on the platform in 2023.

You can also use LinkedIn Ads’ industry-specific variables such as job title to refine your targeting and ensure your ads are seen by the right people. These industry-specific variables allow B2B companies to target specific business customers and generate leads that are more likely to convert.

Share Your Content

LinkedIn allows you to promote your business by posting updates and content that your audience will value. Your content is a reflection of your brand, so it must be well-written and tailored towards your target audience. When writing content for your customers, you should evaluate their needs and seek to understand their issues and how your business could help them.

By inviting readers to interact with this content, you create engagement that may result in more leads for your business. Within your content, you should include a call-to-action (CTA) such as ‘click here to see our latest offer’. An effective CTA will drive more traffic to your website and generate business enquiries that you can convert to sales.

How We Will Help

Our LinkedIn experts know how to effectively target the professional audience hosted on LinkedIn and drive growth for your business. We specialise in using LinkedIn to drive brand awareness and increase the volume of enquiries you receive.

We will use LinkedIn to:

If you want to generate more LinkedIn leads that have a higher chance of conversion, please contact us.